5 Ways To Improve Your Online Reputation This Week

As a business owner, it pays to manage your online reputation. Online reputation is the perception your customers or prospective customers have of you. No matter what the source or the platform, your online
reputation can make or break your business.

The ever-increasing power of social media is making your online reputation more important than ever before.

We’ve made it easy to improve your online reputation by sharing these 5 simple tips on how to make sure your good name and your brand is getting the representation you deserve.

How to Improve Your Online Reputation?

  1. Optimize your Google My Business Profile (GBP)
  2. Ask for customer reviews and post it online
  3. Use a Listing Syndication Service To Boost Your Local SEO
  4. Optimize your website to be mobile-friendly
  5. Make sure your Google speed is fast and accurate

Optimize Your Google Business Profile

  1. Have You Googled Your Company Lately To See What Comes Up?
  2. Is your local business profile coming up?
  3. Is the info correct?
  4. Are you actively posting new content?

It is vital that you Optimize Your Google Business Profile – because Google Business Profile signals and algorithms are what puts you on the top and keeps you there.

Knowing how to optimize Google Business Profiles could be the difference your local business needs to

There are tricks to the trade. There are rules that need to be followed and systems that have to be constantly monitored.

Staying not only visible but also in the top results can be a lot of work and it is not as simple as it may seem.

We know the tricks to the trade if you need a little guidance on how to stay on top of Google.

Do You Have Lots Of Happy Reviews?

Reviews? 80% of people read reviews when making decisions on purchases and/or services.

Reviews are a big deal and yet so many businesses do not realize the importance of continuing to ask for
reviews and testimonies from their clients and then post them.

It is time to get over the fear of asking for reviews. You do not have…because you do not ask.

Do You Use a Listing Syndication Service To Boost Your Local SEO?

Staying ahead of the game regarding your SEO can be a full-time job at times but it is critical. Your company info needs to be EXACT and needs to be submitted and also kept up to date at over 65 websites.

Over 75% of people start by using a search engine to find places.

Staying on top of your SEO will really HELP PEOPLE FIND YOU!

We can explain in more detail and also help you with your local SEO.

Is Your Website Mobile-friendly?

Leveraging your website to gain new clients can be a challenge but one easy fix is making sure your
website is mobile-friendly.

People are busy and do most of their searching on their phones. Ensure that their search for you is
simple and easy to navigate from their mobile.

How Fast Is Your Google Page Speed?

Check your Google Page Speed Score and then keep checking it. The faster the better. Just like other
aspects of Google, there are tricks to making sure your Google speed is fast and accurate. We can help.

Reputation is one of the most important assets in the business and it’s all about how you’re perceived.
Online reviews, ratings, and comments have become very influential in purchasing decisions.

We’re here to help you build your online reputation—and ensure that it reflects accurately and positively on you, your business and your brand.

Give us a call at 631-251-5990 or email learnmore@cigarboxmarketing.com and we’ll give you 20 minutes of free knowledge that’ll change the game for your business.

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